Can qt slot return value

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PyQt does not include Qt itself - you must obtain it separately. ..... PyQt also supports setting the values of properties (and connecting a signal to a slot) using the pyqtConfigure() method .... The returned value is normally passed to the QtCore.

Qt 4.1: Application Example Furthermore, this example can only load one file at a time. ... We establish a signal-slot connection between the QTextEdit's document object .... The caller must check the return value and stop whatever it was doing if the return value is false. Boost.Signals - CiteSeerX Signals allows the user to specify the manner in which multiple return values are combined. .... Just as slots can receive arguments, they can also return values. ...... Signals and Qt Signals and Slots, the relevant part of your .pro file might look. VTK: vtkEventQtSlotConnect Class Reference

Signals and slots - BlackBerry Native

How Qt Signals and Slots Work - Woboq - We Create Software How Qt Signals and Slots Work Qt is well known for its signals and slots mechanism. But how does it work? ... If it is 0, * we are sure there is nothing connected to this signal, and we can return * quickly, which means emitting a signal connected to no slot is if ...

Signals and Slots - Qt Documentation

Looking through the Qt source it seems that when a slot is called from QMetaObject::invokeMethod the return type can be specified and the ... How C++ lambda expressions can improve your Qt code - Medium

Qt Get Slot Return Value

Signals & Slots | Qt Core 5.12.3 - Qt Documentation Signals and slots can take any number of arguments of any type. .... int value() const { return m_value; } public slots: void setValue(int value); signals: void ...